Thursday, January 3, 2013


I have been on the island a little over a week now.  I will recap the adventures while on the island to date:

Moving day (aka Christmas): I held it together pretty well that morning.  If your reading this, chances are you know my greatest concern was the health and safety of our 2 dogs.  I made it all the way until the ticketing counter, at which point I fell apart.  Long story short (I will detail the specific process later) the girls arrived safe and sound.  On the day we arrived the weather was a bit dreary.  Chad brought us back to our home.  (We are renting a 1bd/1ba apartment off a main house in a beautiful upper class neighborhood.  Since we were unfamiliar with neighborhoods we decided it was worth paying a premium until we knew a bit more.). I walked in and realized, just then, how small it really was!!  We went to a local cafe that was open Christmas day and had a late lunch.  I crashed pretty early since I was: 1) still trying to get over my illness, 2) still on Az time, and 3) had about the most stressful day of my life.  My first order of business was to get creative and organized.
The next few days consisted of organizing and laundry.  Buying gizmos and gadgets to help with the ease of adjusting to our new living quarters.  Chad got sick the second day with a cold as well.  Friday we noticed Abby was acting unusual.  She tried to jump on the couch but didn't make it.  I gave her some pain meds and hoped it would go away.  It didn't and by Saturday I was urging Chad that we take her to the Vet.  Luckily I had already researched a Vet I wanted to take the girls to so that was out of the way.  This vet office is 24/7/365!  When I called I could either schedule an appt for 930pm (?!) or we could do a walk-in.  We chose to do the walk in and had the greatest experience with this office.  The vet was actually on the floor with Abby watching and diagnosing her.  Turns out we are glad we took her.  She had an bulging disc in her back.  At this level it should heal fine with some meds but we have had to limit her to a crate most of the time.
Finally once she was improving I could focus on some other things.  The house was under control, the weather has been less than tropical, the food is just short of awful!  So I made a few stops to purchase some basic food items to make a few dinners.  Lets just skip the details and just trust me that it did not go well.  I don't know if it was my headache, the chicken enchiladas or a stomach bug but lets just say that I vomited a number of times the following day (including in my new car!!)  So now the thought of anything homemade makes my stomach quiver.  That has left us back at square one with the one notch above awful food. 

So here we are...7:19pm.  No idea what to have for dinner.  The thought of having to eat fast food again is enough to make me anorexic.  Pizza is about the only thing I can stomach here.  That and shaved ice ;)  

**As a side note...the President and his family are staying 3 streets away from us!!  Yesterday we were going to Subway and I noticed a man with one of those clear spiral earpieces standing against a pillar.  As soon as we passed I asked Chad if he saw that and he didn't see the earpiece but did notice that the man was wearing a bullet proof "vest" under his casual attire.  So we walked back by this time being more observant.  He was outside a nail salon (just a strip mall one) and we saw a group inside which I assumed must have been the Obama girls!  We started noticing the government SUV's and other secret service men around.  So with a close eye we watched and ate and then waited and waited some more.  I had my phone camera ready so I could snap an photo at a seconds notice.  We continued to wait and wait watching and observing the switch in secret service men and their positions.  While we were still waiting longer, there were some dogs near us who began to bark and get in a fight with another dog.  And what do you know we look back after watching the dog altercation and all we see are the suburban doors shutting!!  We missed it in that instant!  Ahhhh!!!  So we walked by real slow while getting the stink eye from the secret service.  I resisted the urge to take a pic of the car.  I didn't want to push it. 

So far, my time has been less than ideal.  I figure this is normal and will get better.  Maybe if we start with the weather and I have the chance to go to the beach!
While getting checked in
On the way to our new home!
Day 2 (the only sunny day)


  1. I remember when Dad and I landed in Paris for the first time. I thought "what the heck have we done?" Then as we got used to it, the food, the people, the apartment, the city we grew to love it so much. You will feel the same way once you feel better and get into a routine.
    I will send you some easy menus that you can make so you don't become anorexic. Eating at home is good for you so we just have to find something that you can prepare easily and not throw up afterwards! LOVE YOU!!!!!

  2. Just thought of something.....was that dog altercation staged to distract the paparazzi?
