Sunday, March 3, 2013


Hi friends!  Sorry it has been so long!  A lot has happened since I last posted. Biggest news of all is I turned 30!  Wowzers!  When did that happen?? But honestly, I feel just the same as I did when I was...27.  So how did I celebrate?  Well I hate to disappoint you but the actual day was pretty low-key.  My sister Deanna and her friend Jill had come in the days before so we did the typical tourist-y things with them.  Had my first experience with what they call SUP (stand up paddle) boards.  I did better than I expected but sadly I never made it to the "stand" part.  I did manage to sit and keep my balance so that was an accomplishment. And we saw some sea turtles while I was SDP (sit down paddle) which was pretty cool.  On the actual day I wasn't feeling very well and since I was pretty sunburned the the day before we spent the afternoon indoors.  In any case it was a lovely day and here's to another year!

I guess you could say that I am adjusting better to life here.  The food situation is still a problem but I am finally finding the "one thing" at each restaurant to order.  I certainly am rarely satisfied after a meal but at least I can eat something.  I have also started cooking. That is not an easy task if you saw our kitchen but I am managing. 

We are going to the beach a lot.  We are hiking a lot.  We are driving a lot.  When you have all these activities at your fingertips you almost feel a sense of pressure to get out and do things.  At the same time it gets a little exhausting.  I know, right?  Beach time can get exhausting?

The girls are adjusting well.  They feel like they are home.  How do I know?  Well you could say they are a bit territorial.  "How dare another dog think they can walk in front of the house without our permission? I'll show them!".  Then barking ensues and everything else.  One of the adjustments they have had to learn is not to react to every sound.  In Chandler, there was rarely a day we had the windows open.  Yes, even for the 2 weeks in spring or fall, when the weather permitted open windows, we just never did.  (Something about Chad wanting a constant 73 degrees in the house.) So the girls have not really experienced all the sounds that go on outside without their knowledge.  Well now that we live with the windows open, they have had to adjust.  Every car door does NOT mean its a burglar.  Every bird cherp does NOT mean a bird is entering the house.  However every dog collar that jingles DOES mean that they are trying to overtake our property so we must stand our ground or else!! -The last one there is the ongoing problem but they are getting better.  Abby LOVES the sand and beach.  When she gets in it she turns to this crazy dog and starts running wild.  Lana not so much but who's really surprised?

My patents visited in early February which was nice.  We went whale watching and saw some incredible sights.  Whales coming completely out of the water in their breach. And not just once.  Over and over again.  Very cool.

Well off to do adventurous things because that's what everyone thinks you do when you live here!  (read: back to sleep.  It is 4:04 am)