Saturday, December 22, 2012

A cold

Does this ever happen to you?  Just as you are about to leave on vacation you come down with something?  I have spent many vacations sick in bed.  Well I guess this is no different.  My last day of work was this past Thursday and apparently in just the nick-of-time a kid passed something to me.  Lame! So now I am sniffling, sneezing, and coughing my last three days away here in Arizona.

On the brighter side I have a car waiting for me on the island!  We spend the better part of the week waiting for the seller to get the title and poor Chad spent the better part of Saturday waiting at the DMV to make the sale.  But alas it is mine!  And guess how much my insurance is?!?!  (This just tops off my last post about the gallon of milk!). $34 per month!!  And it's a turbo! *happy dance*  Who says the cost of living is outrageous?! Not me!  I think I need to name her.  I wonder what I'll call her? 

I am spending the last few days finalizing my bags and checking their weight.  Getting the dogs their health certificates and medication. Eating as much mexican food as one could eat!